Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I Will Survive!!

It's been a week now since surgery and I'm feeling better and stronger every day. Yesterday I even drove to the store. Today though, I feel I've turned a corner because I feel like my old self again. There's no pain and I have stopped drinking broth and jello, which I'll never let pass these lips again, yuck! So I'm drinking my water, 2 protein shakes and had 2T. of cottage cheese for lunch and dinner. It went down well and stayed put but the best thing was it tasted like a bite of heaven! The best thing is that in one week I've lost 10 pounds!! I can hardly believe it. I just might start dancing any day now.

Guy, if you read this, I hope to see you real soon. Not at Wendy's but maybe we could do a lunch in your office, or my office or at the park?????

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