Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What Was I Thinking????

OK, after looking at some York real estate I decided that I'm not as homesick as I thought I was. Sometimes we forget the reason we move in the first place. I love Tucson and it's been my home for over 11 years now.

My job title is Safety Manager but I'm getting very bored with most of my responsibilities. I'd like to retire and work part-time but that isn't for several years. EG33 says I'll never retire because I have to be doing something all the time - that's so true but I'd like to do things that I love...like??????? But I won't because I need to make a lot of money so I can continue to help my daughter and her children even though it's becoming quite a financial drain since I have no resources anymore.

CB34 is having hernia surgery in a couple of weeks so I'll take her to the hospital. EG33 is watching my grandson - my other daughter thinks I'm so mean to him but she thought I was mean to my granddaughter also. I don't really know why except that I get upset when they don't listen or break my things. My grandson cries alot - I guess because of the ADHD and Sensory thing but it's very nerve wracking - it seems nothing ever makes him happy. I love him so much but he's a difficult child and I worry about him very much.

I have spoiled my granddaughter very much but I don't mind. I like that I can buy her pretty clothes - she's such a pretty young lady! She's very smart too. I hope she gets through high school safely and without too much damage - it's so hard for young people today. I pray for her a lot. Right now she's visiting her grandfather in Connecticut but was with her Dad and Grandmother in Cleveland for a week. I don't understand why he is so nasty to her, always complaining about money or about her. She's a great kid and he should be very proud and spoil the crap out of her for the 1 week a year that he sees her. Men !?!?!

My other daughter moved back home with me. It's great to have her there and I enjoy her being around. We get along very good and she can stay with me forever!!! I love her and her sister so much - I really don't know what I would do without them.

1 comment:

Samson Agonistes said...

EG33 moved home? Wow, I didn't know that? She'll never marry now! That was a good rant. I didn't know your grandson is ADHD? You've never talked about it.