Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Getting Closer

We'll it's only one week away and the final countdown begins. I have everything I need for after care and all those pesky details are completed. All that's left is to record my measurements and begin the surgery prep beginning on Sunday.

Nicky finally started school yesterday and had a pretty good day. He sounded excited about all the fun he had and he especially liked the science class, just like his Grandma! He'll do well if he ever learns to listen.

We had our company picnic on Saturday at Ora Mae Harn park and everyone had a great time - except those of us who had to put it together. It was so hot, my back hurt so bad because I can't take any Advil and it was just miserable. I left at 12;30 because I was sick - probably heat stress. I'm just glad it's over.

1 comment:

Samson Agonistes said...

I'm glad Nick likes school. I hope he does well. Is his Dad around?